
Sunday, February 28, 2010

Hard at work in the morning, Also using a "Twitter bot"

Wanted to post this photo of one of my desktops,

3 WOW clients and a Twitter bot doing some advertising.

Each of my 5 currently running desktops has an array of wow/aion/twitter bots doing botting, fishing, gathering, advertising, etc.

I also have some php scripts running that help me get followers to my twitter accounts, and reach people with targeting.

To learn more about affiliate marketing, adsense, keywording, and tons of other stuff that might sound greek to you right now, Subscribe to my blog and keep reading.

(I also love comments!)

Saturday, February 27, 2010

5 days, $700

Just wanted to post a snipit of the last 5 days of one of my paypal accounts.

Made around $700 in the last 5 days just off gold sales.

Not counting the monthly money you can make as an affiliate of mimic!

Anyone can do it too...

Just some daily photos.

This is what I wake up to each server each morning,
tons of items to list/cod, and a little gold to stockpile or sell.

What a bummer eh? :P

Friday, February 26, 2010

Starting out in the virtual economy.

I've always loved playing video games, obviously.

I think my real career started when World Of Warcraft came out.

Although I've gotten my hands into other games from there,
It was the portal in which I took to online gaming communities and the exploitation of their economies.

I started out like most 20 something dedicated Wow players,
Spending my spare money on gold from chinese websites,
Screenshotting my guilds first down of Rag,
Thinking about wow all day while I was at work.

You can only buy gold for so long before you get sick of the price and the service,
At least that's where I was after a couple months of this.

I made a move from the the east coast back to the south a in 05-06,
And came across a little bot called Glider.

By this time I had botted several other low scale games, UO, Runescape, some less popular free games, But I was interested in the whole phenomenon that was "Glider".

Like any entry level user I struggled with configuration and installation for a little while,
But eventually became very friendly with the software and became fairly adept at using it.

I started casually, Botted myself up some 70s (it was BC by that time),
And enjoyed all the content I was denied due to my lack of gold and schedule conflictions.

Later this same year span, I decided I wanted to try and sell one of my accounts,
As in most online games I was almost sure there were sites dedicated to this sort of thing.

A search from Google brought me to, Currently the #1 Wow anything site.

After searching the pages and reading all the different types of items, accounts, and different services were available for Wow and other games,
I decided this was a forum I was going to join.

Shortly after joining the forums I cycled through a couple names and accounts until I found one that stuck with me, "Geek" .

I think it was 06 or 07 I registered the account on MD, and began enjoying the commerce on the website.
Soon after noticing the profits from my bots,
I decided to offer "free gold farming" on the MD forums, and test new profiles I was making.

I'm not sure when it came into order,
But eventually you needed to be TWV to use other peoples accounts for any reason.

At this time Marcus (Markee Dragon) was an affiliate of Glider, and was happy to advertise for them alllll over his site, and his videos, and so forth, As any good affiliate should. (see affiliate marketing post)

Glider being heavily allowed and accepted on his forums,
Opened the door for people who wanted to start small entrepreneurial business ventures using bots.

I myself started a small power leveling service, charging something like 150$ for a 1-70,
Something in that ballpark. (You could search my old posts on MD and find all of them)

For at least a year I did this, making steady money power leveling and grinding out levels,
All the while offering "Free gold farming" overnights and weekends to people on the forums in exchange for a thank you and some reputation with the community.

(Some months later) When it came time that Glider hit banwaves, and then the multitudes of individual user bans started to build up,
The entire legal thing started to erupt between Glider and Blizzard.

I remember how it was blatantly obvious Glider was detected and Glider was STILL running, and for sale.

I won't get into the politics of any of it, But it was pretty intense.

After a few unfriendly chargebacks (we knew less about paypal back then)
I closed my MD power leveling service, and went back to botting on my own, for my own profits.

The next coming year+ was me mostly using underground bots and stuff not released to the public, from my connections with power levelers and other game service providers.


Currently I work for, and provide support for their forums and customers.

I'm also a customer, Having somewhere in the range of 12-14 bots at any given time running.

After my start with the Mimic bots, I decided based on their ability to farm for long periods of time without interface,
I would start buying accounts and amass an army of bots to generate some gold.

2 or 3 months of steady farming presented me with large sums of gold on multiple servers ,
And really no clue on what to do with it or who would buy it, other than trying to sell on individual* servers on MD.

(*To run a website you need to be able to sell gold on every server, which means dealing with multiple other resellers)

I've spent a lot of time going through trial and error, Learning who is legit and who are known to scam.

I also spent a lot of time searching for buyers, and figuring out tactics to keep my accounts from getting banned, and have learned how to properly filter and move my gold in a way that does not flag me every couple days*

(*many gold farmers have this problem on a large scale operation)

I'm fairly pleased with the situation I'm in now,
I like my job and I love working with software and video games at the same time.

Subscribers can expect to learn daily insight into my perspective,
And if you guys pay enough attention you might pick up some free info.


Thursday, February 25, 2010

Insider info

In addition to offering general insider info, I will be taking suggested donations, and providing those who donate with my personal tactics regarding HOW to sell gold, how to store it, how to move it, and how to not get your farmers and main accounts associated with these actions.

Suggested Donation: 10$ get you the name of my personal gold seller and one entry level buyer

Suggested Donation: 20$
gets you the name of 3 of my personal gold sellers and two entry level buyers (2-3.00$ per)

Suggested Donation: 100$

gets you all my sellers and all my buyers info (3 sellers 3 buyers, 3.50 per)

With this package you also get my 1 on 1 setup help learning the ropes on how to sell to these people and others without risk of ban or scam

With the 100$ Donation you will also learn how to STORE, MOVE, and SELL your gold without constantly getting your farmers and main accounts BANNED.

Info Like :WHEN to sell gold, and how frequently, and methods of gold filtering that I personally use.

(I'm not saying you can't find this info yourself, many of you already have it, But I am accepting donationsfor the time it took me to locate these people and verify their legitimacy, and to test these methods and apply them to my current standings.)

Any donation gets you free 1 on 1 advice and setup help with regards to RMT and Virtual Economy related ventures. I will answer general questions and familiarize you with terminology and process.

I will teach my followers and readers how to farm gold, store it, trade it, and keep it safe from Blizzard and their nasty anti cheating program "Warden"

Video games, wtf?

So I've decided to put together this Blog,
And chronicle my adventures and offer some advice to my potential readers.

I've been exploiting video games in one way or another for the last 10 years,
And plan to do it for years to come.

Readers can expect to find my personal opinions, tips, tricks, and tactics that have helped me start what is bound to become the most successful small business venture Ive started so far.

< I made this TODAY from 6 bots. :)

Subscribe to my blog and enjoy the future DAILY info and updates on my insider look into the world of Real Money Trade and the Virtual Economy.
