
Friday, March 26, 2010

One of the last posts I will make here.

I Wanted to make a few last posts to let you guys know what we are doing.

We are currently working on getting the site up at

I've been keeping an eye on the economy and the shift based on the change in prices of frost lotus and a couple other items.

On the new site we will be establishing proven methods of making gold other then just gathering.

I will also be spilling the proverbial beans about how to sell all this crazy gold without ever getting caught.

Interested? Seriously?

Keep your eyes open for the new site...

There is still time to donate and get my 1 on 1, before its too late!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Another Topic

Another thing I wanted to add,

I'll be talking a lot about how to create and register "Vanilla" WoW accounts without the use of credit cards or paypal or any form of payment.


Saturday, March 20, 2010

Things I will cover on the new website.

I wanted to list some of the subjects I will bet talking about on the new site.

Botting for gold
Botting through firewall or vpn or proxy.

Multiple tactics involving trading gold,
storing gold,
and moving gold cross server. (forget that pesky 20k limit)

Specific info on When to bot and when not to,
Who to sell your gold to, and when you should do so.

Foreign and Domestic economical information and how it effects botting and the virtual economy.

General guidelines and provided math that allow subscribers to calculate possible profits.

coming soon to a blogsite near you, keep reading and tell your friends.


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Change is coming.

So many changes coming soon,

Class changes, Patch changes, and soon my Blog will become part of something larger.

There has been talk and rumors of a Guide, a Guide that details a ton of things.

Mainly, How to MAKE and SELL your online virtual currency and turn it into real money.

If anyone still wants insider info into how to do this before it becomes a full blown website, Now is to the time to contact me and donate.

The upcoming patch will effect the prices of many items being farmed on a regular basis by botters and hand farmers alike,

This Guide will have multiple well planned out solutions with pictures and explanations in detail on new areas and types of farming.

Get with me soon, or keep an eye out for the new site...

Video Games Pay My Bills

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Monday and Tuesday make me sketch.

Oh how true it is, I really do hate Mondays and Tuesdays for botting and gold selling.

I'm not sure when I adopted the idea that Monday was a no-no,
But I'm fairly sure it was when I saw 3 farmers and 2 vanillas get banned on a Monday morning 9am for chain selling gold on 3 servers in under a half hour.

I was present for this transaction (my buddy was selling gold on 3 servers after a brisk round of laser tag) and had been seated next to him.

The first and second transaction went down just fine, Client got the gold, or the guild, and all was well.

Once he logged on the third and final server, He made his way to Ratchet bank and danced till the client arrived to take the gold.

While waiting for this client to arrive, His vanilla was disconnected.
Upon logging back in, He found his vanilla had been banned.

He immediately checked to see if he could log into the account management on his other accounts....

All 3 of the farmers that the gold came off of, plus both the vanillas used during that mornings sales had all been banned for exploitation of the economy.


Let me tell you he was pretty damn upset.

I devised later that a GM had been watching him the entire time (he used one IP)
and had waited for the last transaction so they could ban not only all his active farmers but take notice of who the client was who was purchasing the sums of gold also.

Monday is pure evil.
When I had regular jobs, on the days where I felt like working, Monday was always the "hit the bricks" and "back to the grind" days, Where you tried to recoup for last week, Or tried to get ahead by getting as much done as possible.

The same rule applies to selling gold and farming imo.
On Monday mornings, IMO, The GM Staff that is dedicated to the gold sales and economy related offenses, is on in full force and actively looking for deals going down.

This is why I NEVER SELL GOLD ON MONDAY. For real, I never do.

Now on to Tuesdays...
Tuesday is patch day, downtime day, restarts day, whichever one Blizzard picks, all of them are your enemy, and mine.

We all already know (or should) that Warden can be updated at any time without sending any customer a patch or prompting them to download a file.

However, Why willingly add to the pile of potential signatures and updates by hitting the floor running with your Army of bots the second the servers come up Tuesday morning?

In almost all cases, I don't even open a bot on Tuesday.
As some of you know, the Mimicusa team is located overseas, and they generally get online around 5pm cst, So Tuesdays I sit back and wait for them to get on and give the updates a review.

If there are no updates that particular day, There may be extended downtime.
There may also be rolling restarts, and partial restarts, or any of thee above.

I don't care if Blizzard paints rainbow ponies everywhere and says Botters welcome,
I never ever bot on Tuesday, ever, ever, ever, ever.

Imo, The chance of running into something unfriendly are greatly increased after a fresh server restart, Or a very recent server maintenance.

The top question I get on Tuesdays...

"Hack, when the servers are up will it be safe to bot?"
Nobody is able to know that till the servers actually come up and any new content can be identified and inspected.

"I saw no updates, Am I safe to fire up my 9000 bots?"
Although I imagine you would be able to fire them all up,
Why would you wanna be one of the thousands of people who do the exact same thing?

From an IT standpoint, The easiest way to find a flaw in your server or program is to restart it.
You get a fresh look at everything running, and are able to catalog sequences and information for later review.

I take this to heart, and apply it to Blizzards tactics as well.
If I can figure it out, I guarantee they already do it.

Hope this helps.


Friday, March 12, 2010

Food for thought.

I wanted to share the success of one of my first donating readers.

I will refer to him as "Andy"

Andy was one of the first people to contact me from my blog and make a donation to me.

That same day Andy called me and we talked for a few minutes about what he had account wise,
what computers he had available, and what sort of spare time he was working with.

Andy has 12 accounts, 4 computers, each computer running 3 bots.
He bots 8-12 hours a day, usually running 4-6 accounts at a time and swapping out every shift.

He ranges 3-4k a day in sales from gathering, fishing, and pet farming, as well as auction house sniping and alchemy.

He shared this screenshot with me the other day of his $1000 week of gold sales and donations to his operation.

Just a little food for thought. That's 4 grand a month, more than most people make with full time jobs.

When he started out, he was getting banned every other month, and barley able to hold on to 100k before getting his accounts closed.


Thursday, March 11, 2010

Quickie about Blizzard Downloader.

I think I'm going to keep closing Blizzard downloader and suck it up and download the entire patch when it comes time.


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Stupid people make terrible botters

The title of this post pretty much says it all.

Working for Mmomimic, I have to reserve myself and work with less than mentally acute people on a regular basis. This is part of my job and I have no problem with it.
Not everyone works on the same level and the amount of support they may need differs.

But, when said people walk into the botting world and expect to make money off it,
Then you get to read about my opinions on the matter in my blog! :)

The basics and my title are very true, STUPID people make TERRIBLE botters.

Why is this you ask?

1: Troubleshooting your software:

Stupid people are unable to troubleshoot their bots, unable to read clearly provided information on the forums, and in most cases unable to use their space bar and enter keys/form coherent sentences.

2: Stupid people do the dumbest stuff:

I had a guy tell me the other day he farmed every waking moment he was not raiding, with a /DND tag on. I did not even bother reprimanding him,
As I was sure it would not be nearly enough to provoke a sense of awareness. *

3: Level of awareness: *

This is not only the system I grade botters by, But I also use it to gauge people irl on a daily basis, as well as over IM and such.

When I run into support posts like "My bot crashes 16 hours after I go afk",
I can't help but facepalm a bit.
The most common answer to Why this happens is: "Don't know I was afk"

Seriously? Sit your ass down and WATCH your bots for a few.
The more hands in involvement you have with your bots the better.
There are no successful afk gold farmers.

If you're the kinda person who can run face first into people while walking in public,
You might start exercising your level of awareness.

4: In-Game retardation :

Most of the dumber players and botters I experience are also completely socially inept in game as well.
For class sake I'll call then all NE Hunters.
These newb hunters are retarded!
Trolling Trade, Ninja looting, And all around saying completely irrelevant or inappropriate things.
This is one of the main reasons I do not join social guilds,
There is always one 14 year old NE Hunter with a pet named ADAMWEST and 6k gearscore ready to squeak his voice at me on vent. PASS.

5: Younger players and schedules:

At least half of the people that fall under these categories are under 18.
Now that's not to say there are not some brilliant and capable minors,
I myself was already an entrepreneur by then, But not everyone moves at the same pace.

But daily life will get in the way of a serious botting operation.
This also ties in with NOT botting afk for long periods of time.

Most of the younger crowd bots while at school, asleep, or socializing with friends.
While the appeal of bots working hard to earn you money while you're gone is awesome,
It's not the safe route to take, and it's nearly impossible to convince a minor with a schedule otherwise.

6: Lets face it, Stupid people make poor decisions:

One of the biggest poor decisions stupid botters make,
Is botting for EXTENDED periods of time, far longer than any player not addicted to meth could stand to buttonmash per day/week.

Also things like dnd tags, or being in a raiding guild and botting afk, showing off the gold you are making, talking about it in game,
even using codewords like "my little brother is playing" is stupid, If I can come up with this stuff, I guarantee Blizzard knows already.

Take a look at yourself, your daily life, the people you surround yourself with.
Which type of person are you? Are you mentally acute? Could you stand to give your brain a workout more often?
Being honest with yourself and actualizing REAL goals will benefit anyone who applies them to daily life once visualized.

I'm a firm believer in self realization and being honest with yourself.

Confucius says: "The true diplomat thinks twice before saying nothing"

Which days and why?

I'm going to share a story today, and touch on a subject or two related.

In the last week, I've received some Donations from readers concerned with their level of security, and curious to learn about my tactics to filter, move, and sell gold.

I was presented with this situation the other morning...

For all intents and purposes, we will call the guy in question "tom",
Edited for dramatic effect as well. (lol)

Tom: Hi hack, Is there a ban wave or is it just me?

Me: I've seen nothing about a ban wave, What happened?

Tom: Well I sold xxx gold to an unknown buyer, He scammed me after I traded the gold.

Me: That sucks, You should stick with well known buyers

Tom: Well I was in a hurry and decided to take a risk

Me: Bummer!

Tom: So to make up for being scammed, I botted 24/7 on this toon and it got banned.

Me: Sounds like both of those actions were wrong. (I bet you know who you are by now)


This is a PRIME example of why patience is an important virtue for the serious gold farmer who has intentions of lasting in this field.
He did not tell me if he used a Vanilla account to trade said gold,
But I'm going to assume he did not, Based on his decision making previous to.

With most internet ventures, The quick buck is never the best.
Ask anyone else who makes real money from the trade,
Especially Brandon (owner of mmomimic).

Maximizing your income potential starts at the foundation,
Controlling your impulses, Keeping it out of your head and on to paper helps me a lot.

Many people get consumed by this job, It becomes more of a mental newspaper then a book with plans and goals and guidelines.

Some of you might know I always strongly suggest not mixing wow "playing" with farming as a job.

This is just another tool needed to solidify this is a job and not something to supply your main 80 with gold for icc25.

Part of making this a reality is being able to separate your love for the game and it's content with the need to upkeep and maintain accounts/gold/bots etc.

My Advice:

If you seriously want a botting operation that can pay some or all of your bills,
Be ready to single out one account you want to play, and STICK WITH IT.

Don't directly fund your playing account with ANY funds or items from your farmers.

Instead employ the guild vaults!
I know this might be hard for some of you that have mains already in guilds,
But with a tiny bit of creativity you can keep your playing account stocked and not throw up any red flags.

And again, With patience, GET SOME OF IT.
People get too emotionally wrapped up in this game, and this job, and forget it's still both of those things, A GAME, and A JOB.

I dunno about you guys, But games are supposed to be fun, and Jobs are supposed to be successful.


Monday, March 8, 2010

Just a quick tip.

Just a quick tip for my readers,

Part of the patch is coming through via downloader right now.

The leak sites say this is just partial patch info and the patch will not be going live yet,
But to me an update is an update, its license to turn off the bots.

This is the well known patch that will completely fuck the prices of Frost Lotus, and cut what most farmers make in half on a daily basis.

Be sure NOT TO BOT TONIGHT OR TOMORROW if you have any sort of desire to keep your accounts and remain undetected.

Patch days and those that follow make me nervous, I suggest my readers sit tight and watch before hopping back on the botting bandwagon.

Keep reading as I will be posting info on how to bounce back from this patch.


Saturday, March 6, 2010

Where should I farm? What should I farm?

So what do people farm you ask?
What should you be farming in order to keep your gold profits high?

Well, Most people who farm on a high end level right now have multiple types of farming operations going.

Type 1: Gathering bots with Herbalism and Mining.

These bots are designed to fly around, gather herbs and ore, and then return to town or mail off said items.
The most common items farmed with this method are:

Frost Lotus, Eternal Life, Titanium Ore, Adder's Tongue, Goldclover, Deadnette, Tiger Lilly.

These items are commonly sold on the AH, or used in conjunction with trade skills like Alchemy to create other items of value for players.

Type 2: Fishing bots with cooking

That's right! Level yourself a fisherman and bust out the daily quests, get yourself a nice pole and all the nifty +fishing stuff, and start collecting those high end fish!

Cooking compliments this skill as posting tons of fish in the AH can be boring and flooding the market is not always a good thing.

Level your cooking and make/sell Fish fears and Buff food for pve/raid severs.

Type 3: Drop farming

This can include farming any mob that drops a specific item of value.

Some of the more commonly farmed items are:

Captured Firefly (
Eternal Fire
Dark Whelpling (
Hyacinth_Macaw (

My Advice:

Try different farming methods, See which one you like best.

Some people can't handle listing stacks of stuck for hours every day, and some can.

I personally like the diversity of items being sold, It helps keep daily auctioning from becoming tedious.

If you are in a guild, You might take notice of the things people spend a lot of their gold on on a regular basis.
This ties in to locating items on your server that can be economically controlled.

Essentially anything you can create or collect that costs you less or nothing compared to what the buyer pays for it, is good profit.


Thursday, March 4, 2010

Who should be a Farmer?

I wanna talk a little bit about the type of people who farm gold, and what it takes to do this for a living.

I've ran into quite a few people in the last couple weeks who are under the impression that they can setup a buncha bots, leave them running while their afk, and come back with riches, sell them, and repeat.

This is only partially accurate, and really depends on how serious you wanna talk your farming operation.

We all know AFK farming is frowned upon, And lowers your effectiveness overall.

I'm not saying never to farm AFK, But don't make it a daily habit if you wanna be GOOD at farming/selling.
I feel a large amount of what makes me effective at this is that I'm here to watch my bots,
I'm also available to keep them from running into walls and doing stupid stuff that we all know bots do.

So far I've been able to categorize farmers into a couple categories, regular and lazy types.

Low end Farmer - Small scale, couple bots, nothing major.

Low end lazy farmer - Small scale, constant problems with bots, less than constructive about troubleshooting them, prone to bans and red flags.

Mid range farmer - half a dozen or more bots, employed diversionary tactics, vanilla accounts, and a goal in mind

Mid range lazy farmer - same amount of bots, bots afk a lot, is less then safe when trading and moving gold, bots for long hours.

Larger farmer - 12+ accounts, multiple vanillas, multiple isp, diversionary tactics and vpn or proxy enabled.

Larger lazy farmer - Multiple accounts and vanillas, running way too long every day, always getting caught in banwaves.

Take a look at your daily routine, How many bots you run, How many hours a day you run them, and how many things you do per account per day that resemble regular human play.

This economy is saturated, but not dominated in the area of the gold food chain we are all at.

The more care you pay to your operation, The less losses you suffer when things like Banwaves and Economical Exploitation bans go out.

My Advice:

If you want to be a medium or large scale farmer, and actually last for a little while,
Take the time involved and make the proper investments to ensure your accounts and operations will still be around long after they have paid for themselves in gold profits.

It's well worth it to be patient, Go for the prolonged income, Not the quick buck.

If you just want something low scale, for fun money, at least pay some attention to your bots every day, and you still need to employ vanilla accounts for trading gold around.

The common mistake everyone makes, Is Assumption.

Never assume anything you are doing is undetected and you are in the free and clear,
Operating under paranoia may save your entire setup one day.


Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I love Gold.

I really do love Gold.

To be specific, I love the idea of game currency.

The sheer amount of video game players/addicts/farmers/workers that are present today give testament to the magnitude of what the Virtual Economy is and what it will continue to be for some time.

But where do I fit In?

I've been playing computer games since "Hugo's House of Horrors" on floppy disc,
And console games since I can remember.

I've spent months playing different console games (ff7 for instance) and consider myself a very accomplished Geek.

When I came into the role of serious Wow player,
The magnitude of what Virtual Currency is, was Greek to me.

I never really considered it as a serious job, let alone something that would compare to more than minimum wage on a moderate scale.

Today I'm going to give a little insight into Gold, and the safe sale and trade of it.

Vanilla Accounts: (Wow cd key and 30 free days playtime when activated)
I've mentioned "throwaway" Vanilla accounts and their usefulness,
But I don't think many people understand how to use them effectively.

I always suggest 1 Vanilla per 3 accounts, and a constant cycling of use of these accounts.

My number one rule for moving gold, NO TRADING.
Don't trade huge sums of gold to anyone, for any reason.
Any halfway intelligent buyer will have some form of guild vault system setup, or you can provide a guild vault.

All of this is done with the help of Vanilla alts.

So you have your Farmer account(s), and your Vanilla(s).

I do most of my selling on the farmers accounts, on lower level alts who control a Guild.
This guild also has many bank tabs (4 or 5 I think) that store my items.

As some of you know, I control a small army of bots, owning somewhere around 40 accounts and running upwards of a dozen or more in shifts, This calls for some serious Vanilla account usage.

I'd like to see more people thinking of other ways to move gold around instead of the quick and dirty level 1 trades.

How many legit trades of large sums of gold go on between two lvl 1 toons?

Think about it, I got alts on every server I farm on.


Diversify your income.

I decided to talk a little today about multiple sources of income.

And by income, I mean in game currency.

Most people run Silverbolt, (gathering bot from mmomimic) and gather herbs and ore, sell these items, or transmute/change them into other items that sell well on the Auction House system.

(Transmutation circle, lol)

I've noticed some farmers limit themselves to single sources of income.

Many people are comfortable with the way they do things, their methods of sale, and see no reason to change what already works well.

Well, With the new patch right around the corner, I feel it's important to investigate multiple platforms from which to obtain profit.

This can include but is not limited to:

*Alchemy (from gathering ore or herbs, this includes flasks and transmutation)
*Cooking (raids need fish feasts, people need buff food, it's great money)
*Rare pet spawns
*BC/WOTLK entry gear (the prices of gear for lvl 58 and 68 on the AH is insanely high)

The common mistake I notice when people pick sources of income is they rely more on one specific type (like everyone is relying on gathering right now),
And then when major changes like the ones coming for Frost Lotus happen,
They are left stumped and their profits cut into.

Whoever said you gotta spend money to make money was not kidding.

I'm reminded of a video MD posted a while back, Detailing how he was constantly investing in new small ventures, some of them failing, and some of them skyrocketing..
The gold market and the means to farm it is the same way.

My Advice:

Don't be too picky when stocking up on backup accounts (backup accounts save lives!)

Any toon can be a fisherman, and herbalism and mining are cake to level up.

Invest as little as possible into these accounts, so they startup cost is minimal.

Many servers have specific items and areas of the economy that need serious controlling,
And this is where you can capitalize.

Identify the items and areas lacking economic control on your server, and dominate them.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Storage and Filtration

This post is going to be for those people who already farm gold and are unsure of what to do with it once it's farmed, but there is no immediate buyer.

One of the most heinous things I can image as a gold farmer,
Is one of my guild vaults getting banned.

That's why Storage is such a big deal. Not only storage, But handling.

So this is what I've seen happen to a few people.

Noob seller: "Wow I scored selling my ,
I should really sell this gold!!

*Noob seller uses yahoo search and finds a foreign buyer*

Shady Buyer: "we pay u fr gold 100k, 300 USD. , ".

*Noob seller opens trade with lvl 1 orc "lolisellgold" *

(Deep underneath the Wow ground, Blizzard has an Evil engine called Warden,
Who's cogs have been jolted with the red flag of exploitation)

*Shady Buyer takes an hour to pay Noob seller*

Later that evening....

*Noob seller enjoys his money*

After an awesome night of rest and relaxation thinking about the vintage GI Joe action figures he ordered the night previous,
He wakes up and logs into Wow....

Noob seller:


What was his major mistake you ask?

My Advice:

Some of you may know, I encourage everything you do to seem as Human and Routine as possible.

This includes the trading of gold, either to alts, friends, or for sale.

In daily gameplay, Not that many people trade 50k from a lvl 1 human to another lvl 1 human, wearing newbie stuff and dancing in town, Unless they are involved in the gold trade.

This has become well known, Both by players and by Blizzard Staff.

If I can come up with it, I guarantee the overpaid staff at Blizz can as well.

This raises the question, How the hell do I trade my gold then?

I'll give you two of the main ingredients, I'll leave it up in the air as to HOW to create these accounts and guild vaults without associating them with your farmers/main accounts, etc.

1: Guild Vaults. (Buy guild signatures, form a guild with a non offensive "Standard" type name)

2: "Throw Away" Vanilla accounts (wow cd key, activated for 30 free days)

The less account to account trading you do the better.
Try to look at every single transaction you do, And ask yourself if this is how a regular player would be doing it if the task was not exploitative.

If you are going to move a large sum of gold,
Make sure it's within a guild vault, using deposits and withdrawls, and you know it might not even hurt to level the toon you're gonna trade stuff around with a bit.

What does lvl 5 take, like 15 minutes?

Enjoy the pictures, I enjoyed finding them.

Sub my blog, Sub my youtube, Leave me comments, I love them.


Monday, March 1, 2010


The subject of this post is Gold.

Buy it, Sell it, Trade things for it, Steal your moms credit card and buy it from Chinese people.

All bs aside, Gold is HUGE. I think I've been at every end of the gold train so far.

19-21 I was a gold buyer, My best friend and Roommate was already a lvl 60 rogue who raided in the regular, and just watching him play got me interested.

I shared my first wow account with him for about 2 months, As we had a pimp place in Florida at the time.

A nice Chinese lady called me and asked me in broken ass English if I had ordered US WOW GOLD.

The girl above may or may not be her, But you get the idea.

I confirmed the order and soon after was mailed 2,000 gold.
I didn't even mention, We bought this gold on Ebay, LOL!

So yeah, That was my first experience with buying gold...

When I started using Glider during BC, I was selling my extra gold to individual people
off MD, or to people I knew irl.

By this time I was already TWV (Trust Who Verified is a fraud prevention service Marcus started) and had sold gold on a couple servers during power leveling jobs or *"free gold farming" overnighters.

*(I did gold farming overnights for free on the MD forums to test out profiles I was making and see how much crap they could gather in said time/area)

Anyway, After a few untimely charge-backs from some less than reputable buyers,
I stopped offering power leveling services and my flow of random gold stopped coming in.

Multiple times since then I bought gold from some of the nice Asian ladies I had made friends with during my short time as a power leveler.

After coming back to botting with the Mimic series of bots,
I fiddled with PVP and Elite bots, and eventually purchased Silverbolt.

Silverbolt was almost a dream come true for me, A bot that could farm frost lotus for me!
Well, All that frost lotus (and other crap) turned into a ton of gold really quickly.

Like most people I was curious where the hell to sell my gold,
And how I was going to not get scammed.

I remember the first time I sold gold, I told the guy, "I TOOK A SCREENSHOT", lol.

Now he's one of my most trusted buyers.

But it really takes trial and error, and a little faith sometimes.

Now what most people don't know about the gold buy/sell world,
Is how many people are actually involved.

So I'm going to give you guys a glimpse.

Let's say you buy gold from a website, like brogame or swagvault (never use these sites fyi)

They are what I call mid range suppliers.

They might have an account with the gold,
or they may have to contact one of their Asian friends and have them check their list of accounts and gold,
and they may in turn have to ask one of their co-workers or associates to check their lists as well.

The common misconception is that we all sit around with accounts full of gold and wait for customers to buy it, This is simply not true.

Almost everyone works with someone else in some form or another.

Some of the larger sites like ige and mogs have teams of paid employees that purchase gold for them almost 24 hours a day.

The key to getting in to all of this is finding reputable people to deal with on a regular basis.

This is why I tell everyone I don't wanna start a website,
Shit sucks!

Keep your eyes out for the "Real Money Trade" guide, It's coming...
